Adventures in Living

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

How wrong I was

Life can be great sometimes. There are so many ways to learn things. Like when you think you are done with something and you wake up. Literally in this case, I woke up and got hit with a bag of cement that was two different projects both screaming for my attention. Well, not screaming so much as just behaving like truant junior high students.

Everytime I think I am out, they pull me back in...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Well, maybe work comes to an end

I am realizing that after launching a site that has been the most painful project of my career in a lot of ways, I may be done with work for the most part. DONE WITH WORK. Kinda crazy.

Not that it's really true, but I have been doing the wake up - turn on computer - avoid getting too much done - feel like I have to accomplish work tasks - thing for long enough that to not have it will be an interesting change. I am sure that I can waste plenty of time so that I don't even notice my new freedom.

Or maybe I will just play more games...

Oh no

Now I've gone and done it. Too lazy to get the software running on my own servers today, so I set this up. Checking it out. If you see this and you aren't me having an out of body experience, something is wrong.