Adventures in Living

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Life rips forward without pause

Cause that's what life does. So many things happen in a week in New York City. I won't rehash them for myself here, but I will say that it makes me realize how headlong rush this is going to become as I sit here in Buffalo and will wake suddenly in a hot place, remembering how I knew it was going to become a blur.

Discipline is going to be highly required to get it done, those things that I mean to complete, mean to finish for the part of me that recognizes I am not good at getting certain things done.

And what comes out in the wash is what I have to live with. Some homework assignments are coming due, no doubt about it. Can I find that need to complete them I once had?

On top of this, life is full of fun and I love it. I could easily ignore the burdens and survive. That is perhaps too much a part of the problem.


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