Adventures in Living

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Me, an adult again

That's the feeling I begin to have as I approach swearing in, the end of training, and having my life in some sort of order. I bought a cell phone today. Suddenly, I realized I am carrying a wallet with money and identification, a cellphone, and on the way to the office earlier, my computer. I had stepped back six months, into adulthood and out of the trainee / high school student state that had defined most of my time here. Not that it was inappropriate for us to be treated as babes, only frustrating. So, here's hoping that I can be a functioning adult in a small developing country with some success. It certainly won't quite be the experience I thought it would, but it is amazing and rewarding none the less.

I have added a couple other volunteers' blogs to the links list at the right, so maybe check them out for some other words on what happens in this occasionally insane part of the world. A few other members of my group have websites, so I will add those as I find them.

The post following this I wrote a couple nights ago, on my laptop, and posted it today with a different date. So that's that.

Money is suddenly spent on a different scale, and my budget needs to be within the edges of reason. One issue is that I know that I have money in dollars somewhere, and if I want to use them, I only have to figure out how. But so far, I have been trying to keep on the Peace Corps budget, and not blow it up too much with personal contributions. But that may change as I try to implement solar, we will see.

I have been futzing around in the computer lab for a while now, and dinner is served, so I am going to go eat.


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