Adventures in Living

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another thing & food

The reason I came to Africa, if I had to choose only one, could be a feeling I had in my New York City days. Life was often "too easy" there. I didn't have to do enough to earn my daily survival and comfort. I could drift and be at ease. Here, it's not like that. I still like to do the same sorts of things - tonight I'm planning to make dinner with my pal Woman - but it takes more doing to get there. It's not quite swing by the super-market on the way home and call on your cell phone if you wonder about something. Although here in Kombo it's just a variation of that theme, in the case of making dinner. But Peace Corps volunteers world-wide seem to be obsessed with food and making yummy things when together. Big sections of my days can sometimes revolve around pulling together the pieces for a dinner.

On the other side of the food spectrum, I have a loaf of bread - basically a local style baguette - in front of me that I've been gnawing on for the last couple of hours. I bought two of them and three eggs as my food for today/this morning. It's now two thirty and I'm still working on it. Hard boiled the eggs and brought them to the office, efficiency of comestibles... Soon I'll leave and get a plate of rice and sauce, because I'm capable of eating rice every day, sometimes thrice, without getting sick of it. Perhaps I owe to time spent in Japan?

I'm babbling, too long in front of this screen. Please read the other post and respond. Cheers,


  • Zac,

    As a Chicagoan, I appreciate the Cubs hat, but you're better off wearing it in Africa than in Chicago. They're having a bit of a rough year, though I'm sure you've heard that nightly on "Baseball Tonight" on ESPN, which you no doubt watch from a La-Z-Boy recliner in your air-conditioned living room....oh wait! That's me.

    Hope this finds you well, Zac. Publish a list of your current needs re food/entertainment/etc...

    Happy July 20th,


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:39 PM  

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